Category Judging Panel

Category Judging Panel


Mrs. Agnes MAK, MH, JP 麥鄧碧儀,MH,JP - Chief Judge

Executive Director, iPrinciple Ltd.

Prof. WONG Yu-cheung 黃於唱教授   - Chief Assessor (SI)  - Deputy Chief Judge

Dean, Felizberta Lo Padilla Tong School of Social Sciences,
Saint Francis University

Prof. Kar-kan LING, SBS, FHKIP, RPP, PRC Registered Urban Planner Qualification 凌嘉勤教授 銀紫荊勳賢, FHKIP, RPP, 中華人民共和國註冊城市規劃師資格  - Deputy Chief Judge

Director, Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Prof. Yue Lai, Helen CHAN 陳裕麗教授 - Chief Assessor (SEL)

Professor, The Nethersole School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine,The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mr. Yue Chun CHAN 陳宇俊先生 - Chief Assessor (SA)

Head of Spatial Data Office, Development Bureau

Ms. Chris CHAN 陳晶女士 

Assistant Director, Incubation & Acceleration Programmes, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation

Ir. Steve CHAN 陳賀賢工程師

Chief Engineer/Digitalisation and Technology, EMSD

Mr. Ricky CHOI 蔡偉傑先生

Senior Manager - Smart Living, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited

Dr. Alex CHUNG 鍾孝揚博士

President, Hong Kong Information Technology Federation

Mr. Thomas HO, Assistant General Manager

Assistant General Manager, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence HK

Ir. Stephen LAU, JP, 劉嘉敏工程師,JP

Secretary General (Honorary), Hong Kong Computer Society

Mr. Chung, Billie LAU, 劉翀先生

Executive Director, The Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong

Dr. Edith MOK, MH 莫關雁卿博士,MH

Member, Executive Committee, Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation

Mr. Yau On, Albert SU 蘇祐安先生

Project Director/ Chief Executive, Geospatial Lab/Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

Mr. Yue Shun, Brian WONG, 黃裕舜先生

Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, The University of Hong Kong

Ms. Kin Ha, Yvonne YEUNG, 楊建霞女士

Chief Executive, Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association