Category Judging Panel
Category Judging Panel
Mrs. Agnes MAK, MH, JP 麥鄧碧儀,MH,JP - Chief Judge Executive Director, iPrinciple Ltd. |
Prof. WONG Yu-cheung 黃於唱教授 - Chief Assessor (SI) - Deputy Chief Judge Dean, Felizberta Lo Padilla Tong School of Social Sciences, |
Prof. Kar-kan LING, SBS, FHKIP, RPP, PRC Registered Urban Planner Qualification 凌嘉勤教授 銀紫荊勳賢, FHKIP, RPP, 中華人民共和國註冊城市規劃師資格 - Deputy Chief Judge Director, Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Prof. Yue Lai, Helen CHAN 陳裕麗教授 - Chief Assessor (SEL) Professor, The Nethersole School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine,The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Mr. Yue Chun CHAN 陳宇俊先生 - Chief Assessor (SA) Head of Spatial Data Office, Development Bureau |
Ms. Chris CHAN 陳晶女士 Assistant Director, Incubation & Acceleration Programmes, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation |
Ir. Steve CHAN 陳賀賢工程師 Chief Engineer/Digitalisation and Technology, EMSD |
Mr. Ricky CHOI 蔡偉傑先生 Senior Manager - Smart Living, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited |
Dr. Alex CHUNG 鍾孝揚博士 President, Hong Kong Information Technology Federation |
Mr. Thomas HO, Assistant General Manager Assistant General Manager, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence HK |
Ir. Stephen LAU, JP, 劉嘉敏工程師,JP Secretary General (Honorary), Hong Kong Computer Society |
Mr. Chung, Billie LAU, 劉翀先生 Executive Director, The Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong |
Dr. Edith MOK, MH 莫關雁卿博士,MH Member, Executive Committee, Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation |
Mr. Yau On, Albert SU 蘇祐安先生 Project Director/ Chief Executive, Geospatial Lab/Tung Wah Group of Hospitals |
Mr. Yue Shun, Brian WONG, 黃裕舜先生 Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, The University of Hong Kong |
Ms. Kin Ha, Yvonne YEUNG, 楊建霞女士 Chief Executive, Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association |